Enter Castle

Inside the castle, you meet the king of this town.

King:Who are you, and what are you doing here!

InsertName: I am Insertname, and I wanna do a quest, because.. i'm not sure actually.

King: How peculiar.. Well. We do have a quest we haven't been able to assign to anyone.

InsertName: OOH OOH CAN I

King: Wait, before you do, this quest will be difficult and time consuming..

InsertName: Well now i can see why you haven't been able to assign it cause I DON'T WANT IT!

King: BUT. At the end, you will recive an item of almost limitless power. All we ask in return is just 10% of the power.

InsertName: ..I'll do it.

King: Splendid! But, before you go, do you really think you could do all that with only some clothes for armor and a punch for offence?

InsertName: Yes.

King: BAHAHAHAHAHAA!! You really make me laugh. I should hire you as a jester after this! But no, seriously, we'll get you kitted out. You're gonna look great, I promise.

You got the Outfit Of The Legends, and the Blade of Slayers.

King: Told ya you would look cool. Now go out there and find the Item Of Power! You can start at Generic Green Fields. There, you will find a portal to the crossroads where you will find all of the parts.


Proceed to Chapter 2